To Whomever Is Interested
I keep going back to Chicago and it’s weird, everything is different
Sure some things are the same but there are a lot of ghosts, peers siblings remind me of them and that they are missing, locations remind me I’ll never truly return to this time. events remind me of the worst and best times of my life, acting almost like alternate paths my life could’ve taken. I’m happy with where it did go but it’s certainly weird. my life is so different from who I was 6 months ago, I’ve met new people, started new projects, and am being treated like an adult, rather than talking to the students I fall into talking to the teachers, even though I don’t quite fit with them either.
Throughout the last 3 years, I’ve kept a story outline of how my story is going, I went through 4 Parts in the last 3 years with very obvious points throughout but now I’m sitting here waiting for a new story to appear, but it hasn’t. it’s merely reminding me of the past reminding me of a place I can’t quite return too.
”You take the man out of the city, not the city out the man”, my life up until this point has formed me and made me the person I am, This chapter has closed, except it seems like it’s been closing for 6 months, I decided to include a 5th Part into this Chapter, “The Epilogue” but that ended 2 months ago so I just sit at the end of beginning waiting for the new chapter to start.
Maybe someday soon I’ll decide I’ve had enough of LJBC but for now, I keep coming back, like some imaginary force is stopping me from crossing into a new village, maybe that’s why I can’t start the new story, I’m stuck exploring a ghost town, waiting for my final connections to drop and new ones to pick up.
Love Always, Tom